Banham, Reyner, “Simplified Vaulting Practice,” Architectural Record (September 1953)
Bowman, Waldo, “Umbrellas over Mexico City’s New Buildings,” Engineering News Record (May 1957)
Boyd, Robin, “Engineering of Excitement,” Architectural Review (November 1958)
Buschiazzo, Félix E., Félix Candela, Buenos Aires: Institute de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas, 1961
Campbell, Betty, “Félix Candela,” Concrete Quarterly (July-September 1959) “Candela: The Man Who Gave Concrete a Free Rein,” Concrete Quarterly (Spring 1998)
Cervera, Jaime, et al., “Felix Candela, ‘in memoriam,’” Arquitectura Viva, 58 (January-February 1998)
Cetto, Max L, Moderne Architektur in Mexiko, Stuttgart: Hatje, 1961; as Modern Architecture in Mexico, translated by D.Q. Stephenson, New York: Praeger, and London: Tiranti, 1961
Cueto Ruiz-Funes, Juan Ignacio del, “Félix Candela, el mago de los cascarones,” Arquine (Winter 1997)
Faber, Colin, Candela the Shell Builder, New York: Reinhold, and London: Architectural Press, 1963
González Gortázar, Fernando (editor), Arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX, Mexico City: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1994
Holmes, Burton, and Thomas Creighton, “Recent Work of Mexico’s Felix Candela: Can a Man Be Architect, Engineer, and Builder?” Progressive Architecture (February 1959)
McCoy, Esther, “Concrete Shell Forms—Félix Candela,” Arts and Architecture (May 1957)
Mereles, Louise Noelle, “A Master Builder in Mexico,” World Architecture 13 (1991)
Pinoncelly, Salvador, “La obra de Felix Candela,” Cuadernos de Arquitectura 2 (July 1961)
Poniatowska, Elena, “Candela: El salto mortal de la arquitectura,” México en la Cultura (May 1961)
Robina, Ricardo, “La iglesia,” Arquitectura (December 1961)
Seguí Buenaventura, Miguel, Félix Candela: Arquitecto (exhib. cat.), Madrid: Institute Juan de Herrera, 1994
Sharp, Dennis, “Sharp Angles: Umbrella Shells Mark a Watershed in Stevenage: Architects (1963): Felix Candela, with Yorke, Rosenberg, and Mardall,” Concrete Quarterly (Winter 1995)
Smith, Clive Bamford, Builders in the Sun: Five Mexican Architects, New York: Architectural Books, 1967
Selected Publications
“Candela dice,” Calli (México) 33 (May-June 1968)
“Cubierta prismática de hormigón en la ciudad de México,” Revista Nacional de Arquitectura (México) (March 1950)
“Design and Construction in Mexico: Shell Construction,” Industrial Building (September 1961)
“Divagaciones estructurales en torno al estilo,” Espacios 15 (May 1953)
En defensa del for malismo y ot ros escritos, Bilbao: Xarait Ediciones, 1985
“Estereoestructuras,” Espacios 17 (May 1953)
“Estructuras laminares parabólico-hiperbólicas,” Informes de la Construcción (Madrid) (December 1955)
“Hacia una nueva filosofía de las estructuras,” Cuadernos de Arquitectura (México) 2 (1961)
“The Shell as a Space Encloser,” Arts and Architecture (January 1955)
“Shell Structure Development,” Canadian Architecture (January 1967)
“Simple Concrete Shell Structures,” American Concrete Institute Journal (December 1951)
“Toward a New Structure,” Architectural Foru m (January 1956)