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  Name   Ralph Erskine 
  Born   February 24, 1914
  Died   March 16, 2005
  Nationality   UK
  Official website    

Although English by birth and training, Ralph Erskine has spent the majority of his working life in Sweden. Born in North London, Erskine was sent to the coeducational Friends’ School at Saffron Walden near Cambridge (1925–31), where many of his political and ethical values were formed. In 1932, he entered the Regent Street Polytechnic, at first to study surveying, and then architecture. Among his fellow students was Gordon Cullen, the illustrator, whose townscape drawings were to have an important influence on the representation of the postwar New Towns in Britain. Following qualification, Erskine sought work with the new modernist firms in London but ended up working for planner and architect Louis de Soissons, then active in the design of Welwyn Garden City, the first of Ebeneezer Howard’s garden cities.

Attracted by the humane modernism of the International Exhibition in Stockholm (1930) and the work of architects such as Erik Gunnar Asplund, Uno Ahrén, and Sigurd Lewerentz, Erskine left England for the summer in May 1939. He found work with the firm of Weijke and Ödéen in Stockholm. With the outbreak of war in September 1939, Erskine lost his job but, on being turned down for the Quaker Ambulance Corps, decided to stay in Sweden. In 1944–45, he studied architecture at the Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm. During the war, he was able to build very little: a house (known as The Box) for himself and his wife at Lissma near Djupdalen in 1941–42 made with materials scavenged on site (reconstructed 1989–93), a modernized log cabin country house (stuga) for the inventor Baltzar von Platen at Djupdalen, and a rustic ski lodge and summer holiday center at Lida Friluftsgård. At war’s end, Erskine opened a practice in Drottningholm on the outskirts of Stockholm.

Much of Erskine’s practice has been in housing, and he has specialized in involving the community in the process of design. An early housing project at Gyttorp (1945–55), for example, used bright colors for the concrete houses to provide a lively effect. Housing at Gästrike-Hammarby (1948) involved extensive community consultation and careful attention to the formation of public spaces based on principles he had learned while working with Louis de Soissons. At Landskrona (1968–71), there was a special effort to adapt the housing design to the local environment, and at Nya Bruket (1973–78) in Sandviken, where Erskine was responsible for the shopping street and surrounding housing, special community centers were included along with satellite parking to ensure a peaceful residential area.

Architecture for colder climates has also directed Erskine’s practice. At Luleå in northern Sweden, he built a community center and interior shopping mall (1954–56) following new American models. In 1959, he presented his ideas on Arctic housing to the Otterlo meeting of CIAM (Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne) and laid out the town plan for Svappavaara (1963–64) in Lapland. A long, wall-like building was designed to shield the community from the Arctic winds, leaving the south side open to the sun. Erskine later also planned the community at Resolute Bay (1973–77) in the Nunavut Territories, Canada, a difficult undertaking not only because of the extreme climate (it is close to magnetic north) but also for the complex mixture of Inuit inhabitants and North American scientists that reside in the community. Neither Svappavaara nor Resolute Bay was completed to plan.

Erskine returned to England in 1962 to participate in a project for replanning the center of Cambridge. In 1968–69, he received the commission for a postgraduate residential hall at Clare College, Cambridge. His aim was to create “an open ended and attractive environment which was free from memories of medieval and Renaissance monumentality or opulence, [and] to ally ourselves with new society builders rather than the establishment.” The effect of the two-story brick apartments and study halls is modest, with narrow walkways overhung by wooden balconies.

The best known of Erskine’s works is known as Byker Wall (1969–81) at Newcastle- upon-Tyne. The traditional home of Newcastle’s shipyard craft workers, the area was overcrowded and run down by the mid-1960s, a possible target for demolition and redevelopment. Instead, the District Council Housing Committee decided to improve the quality of the existing housing and reinforce the character of the community. A long perimeter-wall apartment block snaking around the crest of the hill and enclosing low- rise terraced housing was built, and transportation links to the surrounding communities to foster economic development were planned. Like Erskine’s social housing in Sweden, cars were excluded from the residential area. Extensive consultation with the local community led to the preservation of the density of the old neighborhood, and the striped brick exterior cliff wall (facing the new roadway) evoked a medieval defensive system, providing visual identity for the development. On the interior of the wall, wood balconies faced the landscaped interior, creating a village-like intimacy.

The Byker Development was much praised in Sweden, and thereafter Erskine was hired to help with planning of the new site for Stockholm University at Frescati in 1971. The library and student center (Allhuset) recalls Erskine’s links to Team X, although the overall effect of the central hall today, with its exposed structural members and glass roof, tends to remind visitors, regrettably, of a shopping mall or an airport.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Erskine’s work has taken on new scale. In 1981, the Drottningholm office staff was cut drastically to allow him to refocus on design. A new cooperative office was opened in Stockholm, Arken-Erskinearkitekterna AB, with which Erskine could collaborate but that he did not run. Products of this new freedom include two office towers (The Ark, London, and Lilla Bommen, Göteborg), the vast bus center and office complex (Vasaterminalen) in Stockholm, and the Aula Magna at Stockholm University.

Lilla Bommen, headquarters for Skanska, a development and construction firm, is located at the entry to the Göta Canal, and the building recalls a giant navigational aid (buoy or lighthouse) with brown, cream, and red stripes and a periscope-like public atrium-observation tower. Unlike the typical vertical rental tower, the Ark was conceived of as being funnel shaped, the edges prowlike. The exterior is a reddish-brown copper color, and the overall effect is nautical. On the inside are a series of interior terraces suspended over an open atrium. Above is a glass wall that allows the interior to fill with natural light, and there is a wood ceiling. The interior, with its white walls and blond wood, provides its Scandinavian character.

The Aula Magna, near the entrance to the Frescati campus, is attached to Erskine’s earlier Student House (Allhuset). Holding 1200 people in a main auditorium, the central gathering space is surrounded by smaller classrooms and open communal study facilities. The site was located on a south-facing incline with a height differential of ten meters, and the building flows across the slope in a series of terraces and around a group of a venerable oak trees. The central auditorium has been designed for effective acoustics both from the stage to the auditorium and for more democratic exchange among members of audiences, and the circulation spaces, which double as study alcoves and terraces, provide an appealing topography to what might have been dead space.

It is sometimes difficult to define the qualities of a building by Erskine. Working process is generally dominant: local materials and community needs take precedence. The forms recall a variety of Scandinavian and modern northern European architects: Reima Pietilä, Alvar Aalto, and even Hans Scharoun come to mind. The jutting balconies and unpainted wood surfaces often seem handmade. The character of his environmental planning reminds one that his Regent Street Polytechnic classmate was Gordon Cullen: whose drawings often show hot-air balloons floating above traffic-free urban walkways. There is also, quite frequently, a high-tech quality to Erskine’s work, sometimes reminiscent of Buckminster Fuller but also expressed in raw concrete or corrugated sheet steel, exposed structural supports, and playful adaptations to climatic factors: raised roofs to provide insulation, suspended balconies for sun without trapping cold air, waterwheels at the ends of gushing downspouts to provide colorful motion, and sunlight deflectors leading to skylights to open the dark center of a room to light.



Sennott R.S. Encyclopedia of twentieth century architecture, Vol.1 (A-F).  Fitzroy Dearborn., 2005.


24 February 1914 Born in Mill Hill, north London;

1932-37 Studied at Regent Street Polytechnic, London;

1937 Associate, Royal Institute of British Architects;

1938 Member, Royal Town Planning Institute;

1939 Degree in architecture;

1939 Married Ruth Monica Francis (died 1988): 3 children;

1939 Settled in Sweden;

1944-45 Attended the Royal Academy of Arts, Stockholm;

1946 Private practice, Drottningholm, Sweden from this year; [Date unknown] Partners with Aage Rosenvold;

1959 Member, Team X from this year;

1964-65 Guest professor, Eidgenösische Technische Hochschule, Zurich;

1965 Member, Swedish Arkitekts' Riksförbund;

1966 Honorary fellow, American Institute of Architects;

1967-68 Guest professor, McGill University, Montreal;

1968 Branch office, Byker Estate, Newcastle, England;

1972 Foreign member, Swedish Royal Academy of Arts;

1978 Commander, Order of the British Empire;

1984 Fellow, Royal Society, London;

1985 Honorary member, Royal Society of Arts, London;

1986 Officier, Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, France;

1987 Gold Medal, Royal Institute of British Architects;

16 March 2005 Died in Drottningholm, Sweden.


Erskine’s drawing archive is located at the Swedish Architecture Museum, Stockholm. Materials related to the Byker Development Project are located at the Royal Institute for British Architects Library, London.


Selected Publications

"Building in the Arctic," Building Design (May 1960)

"Primer for Subarctic Communities," Perspective (1963)

"Construire dans le Nord," L'architecture d'aujourd'hui, 38/134 (1967)

"Indigenous Architecture: Architecture in the Subarctic Region," Perspecta, 8 (1963)

"Architecture and Town Planning in the North," Polar Record, 89 (1968)

"Democratic Architecture, the Universal and Useful Art: Projects and Reflections," Royal Society of Arts, 130/5314 (1982)


Further Reading

Caldenby, Claes, Jöran Lindvall, and Wilfried Wang (editors), 20th-century Architecture: Sweden, Munich: Prestel, 1998

Collymore, Peter, The Architecture of Ralph Erskine, London and New York: Granada, 1982; revised edition, London: Academy Editions, 1994

Egelius, Mats, Ralph Erskine: The Humane Architect, London: Architectural Design, 1977

Egelius, Mats, Ralph Erskine, Arkitekt, Stockholm: Byggförlaget, 1988; as Ralph Erskine, Architect, Stockholm: Byggförlaget, 1990

Hall, Thomas (editor), Frescati: Huvudstadsuniversitet och arkitekturpark, Stockholm: Stockholm University Informationsenheten, 1998

Pearman, Hugh, The Ark, London: Architect Ralph Erskine, London: Wordsearch, 1993









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